Sunday, November 18, 2007


Yesterday I made a turkey and it was in the Friend magazine. We're having our song turkey in Primary coming back and at our house we have a thankful turkey. I painted my hand and I put in on a paper. Today we made a turkey, too. We painted it and it has only two colors, the two colors are orange and pinkish-reddish.

We're going to have a party at our house for Thanksgiving. We're going to eat turkey and the Lyons and the Mosses and maybe the Chamberlains and the Hunters are staying too. We're going to have lots of fun with our friends, and we're going to have pie and watch "Rock and Roll Circus."

The Joneses had a new baby, it has a big nose. Lucy knows how to walk. We had cider and stew and pumpkin bread for dinner. Tomorrow is a short day and Ben is going to be going to the Car Show with Daddy. It is going to be fun for Ben and Daddy. Daddy said if we will be able to, I can go. I think it would be fun.

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